Sabtu, 30 Julai 2011

Cuti-cuti Indonesia: Gunung Bromo dan Taman Safari

Sekarang aku tengah kebosanan seharian terperap dalam bilik. The reason is because I don't know what to do or where to go...even if I have something in mind, it probably involves money...tapi atas sebab yg tidak boleh dielakkan biasiswa aku bulan ni ditunda bulan depan T_T huhu... Tapi maybe that's the universe telling me to berjimat cermat and berbelanja secara sederhana, especially dah nak masuk bulan puasa in few days =)

As usual when I'm bored I'll watch movies or atau tgk gambar2 lama. Today I came across my Bromo vacation pictures. Trip pegi Bromo ni sgt spontan. One fine day, we had enough with tests and exams. Kebetulan ada cuti 3 hari, so secara impulsive 'lets go somewhere'. Mula2 macam hangat2 taik ayam, tapi pastu ada yg pegi cari bapak driver yg penah bw org gi Bromo, tapi yg betul2 mau pegi cuma 4 org. We don't actually know the place and we barely knew bapak driver tu. Dia kena drive kami 7 jam untuk sampai ke Safari and another 3 hours untuk sampai puncak Gunung Bromo. So aku mcm xjadi ikut sbb xbrani amik risk and xramai. The more the merrier kan? Wrong! Org selalu ckp "it's the companies that count"...because it is true. Dan sebab I'm the one responsible with the original plan, so I took a risk and it was worth it. The theme for our trip is 'redah jelah' but it went smoothly, we had lots of laugh and one of the best trip I had. 

After 7 hours ride (tp bapak driver bwk laju sgt rasa mcm terbang) akhirnya sampai Taman Safari

Entrance sgt sunyi sebab kami sampai Taman Safari jam 6, tp mereka buka jam 8 -_-" so bila bukak jak kami trus serbu masuk

First time breakfast ice cream

Muka segar (wlupun semua belum mandi :-" ) and excited tgk menatang 

Terlebih excited tgk menatang...almaklum lah aku dh umur 21 tahun tapi baru kali ni penah gi safari :-"

Sejam dalam van tu, sejam jugak la aku all smiles camni sepanjang safari tour

Excited ambil gmbr ngan Mar (that's his name)...masa aku ambil gmbr ngan Mar dia tutup hidung dengan jari konon2 aku bau ewahhh padahal dia yg bau armpit uwekk..pastu ambil gambar ngan cewe2 dia trus manja haha we boys will owez be boys huh!

Ok anak harimau ni seryes cute

First time naik Gajah...

Pemandangan Gunung Bromo seriously breathtaking...rasa mcm nk teriak 'I'm on top of the world' tp ramai sgt org hehe malu la

Gunung tu still active rasanya...masa merapi meletus, gunung-gunung di cni pon active, sampai skrng masih keluarkan byk asap n xramai org dtg Bromo dah

Bwh tu kuil...mcm atas kayangan kan kan 

Selalunya tgk omputeh mesti mcm sakai...good to know kita xbertepuk sebelah tangan :-"...heran gak sebab tiba2 uncle tu ambil gambar dorg...ataupun dia tgh test2 kamera tu main ambil jak gmbr budak2 yg tgh pose sakan 

Mcm movie cowboy daaa

Sebab best sgt pegi Bromo, aku pegi lagi 2nd time ngan housemates. Yang kurang best time tu musim hujan. Selain pegi Bromo and Safari, this time pegi ladang epal and air terjun di Malang

Klu dah guys travel ramai2 ni nda sah klu xambil gmbr ala2 cover album boyband

Gambar boyband 1 untuk lagu 'Aku terjun jambatan kerna kau tolak cintaku'

Gambar boyband 2 untuk lagu 'Perih hatiku sepedih mataku terkena kabus'

Gambar boyband 3 'Pilihlah aku jadi pacarmu'

Peace out!

Ahad, 24 Julai 2011

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips

Ada 3 jenis makanan yg aku suka
 1. Masakan rumah...nda kesah la yang masak tu Mama atau my sisters sebab dorg tau selera aku, apa yg dorg masak sure aku bedal
 2. Makanan yang disuapkan ke mulut aku dengan penuh kasih sayang hehe
 3. Healthy food

I guess what i'm trying so say is, I like FOOD...bukan suka makan ok, there's a big difference. Well maybe I like to eat a lot cause I'm trying to gain weight. Tapi aku nda makan sembarangan. I eat healthy food and in moderate amount. Here are some of my favorites ;)

What a better way to start your day than a good ol English breakfast...yummehh. Actually aku lebih suka sarapan kueh2 and nasi lemak tp di Jogja ni susah mau cari...klu ada pun kureng sket. No offence Rempah Asia ;)

Speaking of kueh, no one in their right mind would say no to Karipap...slurppss (excuse me, I need to wipe drool off my laptop)...this picture taken masa Karipaps ni fresh dari penggorengan (penggorengan?haha ada ka perkataan mcm tu?)

First of all, sorry lupa mau rotate ini gambar hehe...Secondly sorry sebab air liur meleleh ke kanan pipi when you tilt your head to the right :D ...Anyhooo aku sgt sgt sgt suka Spaghetti, it brings out the Italian in me hahaha sorry racially confuse

If there's anything I like better than chicken, is fish. Ikan asam pedas, sweet and sour fillet fish, sup ikan, ikan goreng, ikan bakar, ikan ikan ikan ikaaannn (echo slowly fading  away)

See, somehow Italian dish keeps coming back to me :-" Pizza! enuff said

You could say I'm not a racist person, hence the multi-ethnic cuisine hahaha...imagine tengah hujan lebat, angin pon agak kuat, tgh duduk dengan Tom Yam di atas meja, sgt hangat, bau menggoda hmmm 

Sushi anyone?

Dinner mcm nda complete klu teda dessert kan? Pancake ni paling sedap aku penah rasa, sooo soft and fluffy. The Perfect Pancake.

Why have one dessert, when u can have two :-" if I want to marry a girl, it's because she can make a kick ass Cheese Cake (take note ladies hahahaha...alamak terlebey suda)

Aku nda suka air manis2 tp utk Slushie I'll make an exception...aku suka minum cepat2 pastu brain freeze... woooooo that was awesome dude (baca dengan nada surfer) 

I like cake, but I LOVE Birthday Cake...nda pasti kenapa tapi there's just something special about it. Maybe it's the part where you get to sing happy birthday and everyone else (if it's in a restaurant) look at you with envy (damn that cake looks delicious) haha. Pastu ada la tiba2 budak kecil yg cute datang mintak cake padahal mak bapak dia suruh cesss..and the second best part, cream cake tu sgt tebal boleh calit2 kat muka org muahahaha

Italian Gelato 
Me: Ma, nenek aku orang itali ka?
Mama: Bukan nak.
Me: Abis tu knapa aku suka Italian food 
Mama: Sebab ko nda suka Chinese food
Me: -_-"
(hahaha...ok not funny :-| )

Aku nda paham iklan di tv mesti sepasang kekasih share one ice cream...clearly that ice cream not worth fighting for, cause if it's really good, then nda kesah la girlfriend ka, I would say, sorry babe this ice cream is mine, you don't want to get fat don't you?..then I'll be walking home with a read palm print on my face hahaha

Peace, out!

Khamis, 21 Julai 2011

Cuti-cuti Indonesia : Bandung

Selalu jak rasa mau ambil cuti panjang and pegi melancong. Tmpt pertama dalam list aku China. Sebab Mama asal dari sana. Datuk dan Nenek susah2 datang ke Pulau Victoria yg mulanya merupakan milik Kesultanan Brunei sebelum dijajah British (sekarang dikenal sebagai W.P.Labuan) sekitar 1940an untuk mencari sesuap nasi (bukan literally ok)...waahhh belajar Sejarah skjap. Anyway pokoknya aku pengen banget liburan (bha tiba2 tukar bahasa). 

Untuk dapatkan vibe cuti2 tu aku tgk album vacation selama aku di Indonesia ni. It reminds me how I enjoy each and every trip. Sedih ni dah teda masa mau gi jalan2 lagi huuuu. So wlupun tiada gmbr vacation terbaru, yg lama2 pun jadi la kan hehe. Trip pertama aku ngan kawan2 pegi Bandung, Feb 2007. Time ni ada cuti CNY 2 minggu tapi sbb aku pon baru balik cuti raya so decide utk jln2 sambil lawat kwn2 di UNPAD.

Kami naik train dari Yogyakarta jam 10 mlm, sampai Bandung the next day kira2 jam 7 pagi. Teringin la rasa perbezaan economy and executive class so pegi Bandung ambil economy, balik naik executive. Yg horror nya economy ni, setiap perhentian akan ada org teriak2 jual kopi atau indomee atau anything jelah yg boleh dijual. Ada sekali pacik diluar train masukkan tgn dia lewat tingkap sbb mau jual kopi and masa tu jam 3 pagi, sgt la gelap....nice la pacik bagi org heart attack -_-"

Muka excited 1st time naik train gi tmpt jauh

View Kota Bandung dari train

Muka (aku) pissed sbb tiket tulis sampai dlm 7jam, tp after 9jam br sampai cess  tipah tertipu

Sampai Bandung, trus pegi jumpa kwn di UNPAD, skaligus tmpt penginapan free :)...1st day basically jln2 di Kota Bandung pegi almost every mall and factory outlet. Rupiah pon mengalir mcm air sbb barang2 di factory outlet lumayan murah2. Hari ke-2 plan jalan2 ke Kawah Putih, tmpt ni bekas gunung berapi yg aktif. Sekarang tinggal kawah yg masih produce belerang and smell like when u were doing no.2 uwekk...but somehow kami boleh tahan dengan bau tu. Buktinya tgk gmbr2 riang di bwh

Suma excited except me sbb baru habes muntah :-"
(motion sickness sbb jln naik gunung mcm dam ular + bpk driver  terlebih ceria n bw laju2 )

Tgh jakun jap...nama tempat ni Kawah Putih

Sebab jakun gi dekat2 ngan kawah...kan dah basah...syabas syabas  -_-"

Asap2 di blakang kasi feel kayangan...hence the I-believe-I-can-fly pose
Sambung jakun balik tgk asap....asap jak pon
Tmpt ni Acha n Irwansyah blakon crita My Heart...nop that's not them :-"

Ladang teh ni tempat Acha n Irwansyah kejar2 time hujan...
actually aku pon blom penah tgk crita tu hehe

Then ptg hari yg sama pegi snow house dekat Bandung Supermall. First time tgk snow so sifat2 jakun tu agak terserlah tp after 5 minit dlm tu dah start freezing and ada la sorg ni yg pakai selipar selamba masuk, pastu trus kluar balik beli socks, which doesn't make much different haha. Overall best main slide and snowball fight.

Dalam snow house....bbrrrrr sejuk

Mahasiswa UGM n UNPAD

Time ni muka jari tgn suma dah kebas...snow dlm tv tu indah kabar dari rupa
sbb tmpt ni mcm peti ais...times 10

Hari ke-3 jalan2 lagi ke factory outlet. Rupiah mengalir lagi. Then pegi some pasar yg jual snack kering yg memang tiada di Malaysia mcm pisang keju. Then pegi another mall main ice skating 

Time ni skating ring kosong...org2 ni jak yg skate
(read:terjatuh least some of us hehe)

Pasar ni sgt popular di Bandung, the best part is tauke tu kasi rasa macam2...
kwn aku ckp klu tiada duit n tgh lapar, dtg tmpt ni konon2 mau beli then blah haha

Hari ke-4 balik ke Yogya naik train executive totally different dgn economy. After dinner dlm train, trus tido, dah sampai Yogya baru la terbangun. That was my first and among the best vacation. Klu next time mau pegi lagi kena get ready fulusss berjuta-juta

Selasa, 19 Julai 2011

Ideal age to marry (part 2)

I have my own mantra, so that I won't succumb to the wedding train that's moving very fast (being single at the moment helps too)...

It's not about how FAST you get married, but how long you STAY married

At the end of the day you'll be married to that same person till the day one of you die, or decided to separate. I'm not saying young married couples won't last long. If they don't, such a waste. But if they do then they are just lucky they've met suitable mate. They are lucky for having a stable financial to start a family. They are lucky to have such matured mentally and ready to make a commitment. 

For most of us unlucky unmarried clan, just go out there and have some fun while you can. Go travel round the world. Get a pet. Buy properties. Join a gym or yoga class. Learn new languages. Develop new hobbies or skills. Meet new people. Do all of those things that married couples hardly do.

As for the Makcik and her kind, next time when she asks when are you getting married, your answer will be:

May...(pause for like 3 secs till you see her shocked face)...Maybe yes, Maybe no

*This post dedicated to my friends who are complaining about getting so many wedding invitation. Don't worry your time will come :)

Isnin, 18 Julai 2011

Ideal age to marry

What's the most common question, ask especially to a 25 single year old girl or above, sitting alone looking vulnerable in a wedding?...kamu BILA lagi?

Not that it never happen to a guy, tapi sudah menjadi lumrah saham perempuan decline proportionately with increasing age, manakala untuk lelaki...well we are like antiques, desirable because of our age (of course we'll reach some point where we are look at as old pervert rather than a 'Richard Gere'). So I guess that's why it's important for a 'Makcik' to ask such question because she is concern that the 'Anak dara' will eventually turn into what society like to label as Andartu (either that or she's just another annoying suka-jaga-tepi-kain-orang type of Makcik). For whatever reason it may be, the question itself, BILA?, is already giving out the idea that marriage is a bread, you have to eat it before the expiry date (ok maybe u guys can come up with better analogy hehe :D )

So...putting aside the peer pressure and, Makcik Kiah, Senah, Munah and the rest of the world's concern on your marital status, what is the right age to get married. I see some giving me some 'duhh' and little bit of 'roll eyes' :P... Yes! Of course when you meet The One. Jadi persoalannya dari awal bukan tentang bila, tapi siapa...-TO BE CONTINUED- (ngantuk nk tido)

Ahad, 17 Julai 2011

Letting go doesn't mean goodbye

Hari ni aku pegi kedai jam untuk ambil jam tangan aku yang aku send untuk dibaiki sejak April, tapi sampai sekarang belum boleh fix. Bulan Mei aku try tanya
"Masih belum bisa mas, ntar saya coba lagi, tinggalin no hpnya nnti kita hubungi", bapak tu ckp dengan sopannya. 

Then June aku pegi lagi 
"Sudah saya cuba mas tapi ga bisa, soalnya mesinnya saya liat agak langka (rare), tapi udah saya kasi ke teman saya di toko lain untuk nyoba baiki". Ok fine aku tunggu lagi.

Tadi aku pegi lagi mana la tau dah siap kan. Bapak yg selalu di service center dah balik, so pekerja yang lebih muda try cari for almost an hour. Sampai 3 org pekerja terpaksa cari. At then end aku tanya
"Ga ada ya?". 
Diorang tu jawab "Gni mas, yang tau ini teman saya, tp dia udah pulang, tinggalin no hpnya ntar kita hubungi klu sudah jadi"

Aku dapat trima yang jam tu still tak boleh fix since April. Aku boleh sabar tunggu 30 minit untuk dia cari jam tu dalam timbunan jam2 yg lain. Aku tak kesah kasi no hp for the 3rd time di kedai tu. Tapi bila pekerja di sana, Mbak Sonofafish buat muka masam semasam socks yg basah kena peluh dan dibiarkan dalam kasut selama seminggu. Slamat aku puasa makan mahkluk bimbos :-" . The moral of the story, ikhlas la klu buat kerja, baru la gaji kita dapat tu berkat. 

So what's so special about this watch, that I can't seem to let go. Jam ni aku beli di hometown aku, Labuan masa cuti Aidilfitri. Mula2 aku nampak jam tu trus jatuh hati. Love at first sight kata omputeh. Then tgk harga pun murah. Wlupun brand jam tu 'Wilon' which I never heard before, I said to myself, klu tak kenal maka tak cinta cheewaaah. "Jangan tunggu lama2, nanti lama2, dia diambil org" <--- tiba2 ada lagu background ni. So tanpa membuang masa aku pun ckp kat Apek tu, "saya mau ni pek". Jam tu aku langsung pakai sambil sengih2 jalan balik rumah. Ntah brapa ramai tgk aku dengan pandangan yang concern hehe. Then I have that phase looking at my watch over and over tp bukan utk tgk time :D.

I had that watch for over 2 years. We've been through so many things together *tsk tsk*. It helps me with my OSCE (skills lab exam), getting to class in time, be punctual whenever I had plans with friends (unlike some people yg suka 'janji melayu' cess). Panas dan hujan pun kitorg sama2 redah. Sampai at certain point dah start ada air dlm jam tu sebab kena hujan, tp after aku jemur sekejap it's as good as new. Tak pernah pon aku ada niat beli jam lain atau tgk2 jam kat kedai when I had this watch. We were in love I guess (haha patheticnya smpi camtu skali)

The day we fear the most finally came. It no longer moves. I tried to change the battery like last time, but still no sign of movement (suspen jap). Pastu org kedai jam tu cakap mungkin mesin dia rosak, so kena fix. Dalam hati aku "get well soon". After sebulan lebih baru aku pegi survey jam lain sebab mcm tiada harapan jam tu boleh fix. But I'm not giving up on it just yet. I bought a new watch only because I know Wilon won't want me to be alone when it's gone (ok post ni dah makin weird kena habiskan cepat2 hahaha). Selepas sebulan dengan jam baru, I bought another one. I know pembaziran haishh. Tapi aku belum jumpa jam yang boleh make me feel 'wow, this is the one!'. 

I was preparing myself for today actually. Instead of waiting for what should, could or would, I'll just accept the fact that it can't be fix. Maybe I'll just keep it until I can find a shop that can fix it. The point of this story is that when we are waiting for something uncertain, we should always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. In my case I've waited long enough, and ready to let go my of I?

Jumaat, 15 Julai 2011

Once loved

Today i just woke up and said to myself, "hey you have a blog...which u abandoned for like 5 months now"

Aisehmann my last post is in Feb. But in my defense i have a reasonable excuse for this. First of all...okay seriously i got nothing =_=" i simply stop writing. Maybe it was one of those things that i was excited at first but got tired after a while. Finally i came to my sense and decided to start writing again, it's never too late u know, it's only too late if u stop trying :)

I like doing things 'sekerat2'. For example i learn how to swim, became good at it and tried to make it a regular thing but didn't work out. Then i taught myself how to play guitar and can only play one damn song over and over again pffttttt. After that there's that gym obsession 4 times a week, on and off for like half a year. 

Once in a while i tried to go back to these things. Turns out i still very much in love with them. It's just that i don't have the time. So why don't i tried make time for it? Maybe i should...

You see, people need to be reminded of the things that they once loved. We are human after all, easily forgetting. But once you remember how it feels like doing the things you love, you might just not want to let it go again, and make sure you make time, otherwise you can lose your interest, and one day you will wake up and realize how much you miss it. Pretty much like LOVE, but that's another story...or is it? ;)