Ada 3 jenis makanan yg aku suka 1. Masakan rumah...nda kesah la yang masak tu Mama atau my sisters sebab dorg tau selera aku, apa yg dorg masak sure aku bedal
2. Makanan yang disuapkan ke mulut aku dengan penuh kasih sayang hehe
3. Healthy food
I guess what i'm trying so say is, I like FOOD...bukan suka makan ok, there's a big difference. Well maybe I like to eat a lot cause I'm trying to gain weight. Tapi aku nda makan sembarangan. I eat healthy food and in moderate amount. Here are some of my favorites ;)
What a better way to start your day than a good ol English breakfast...yummehh. Actually aku lebih suka sarapan kueh2 and nasi lemak tp di Jogja ni susah mau cari...klu ada pun kureng sket. No offence Rempah Asia ;)
Speaking of kueh, no one in their right mind would say no to Karipap...slurppss (excuse me, I need to wipe drool off my laptop)...this picture taken masa Karipaps ni fresh dari penggorengan (penggorengan?haha ada ka perkataan mcm tu?)
First of all, sorry lupa mau rotate ini gambar hehe...Secondly sorry sebab air liur meleleh ke kanan pipi when you tilt your head to the right :D ...Anyhooo aku sgt sgt sgt suka Spaghetti, it brings out the Italian in me hahaha sorry racially confuse
If there's anything I like better than chicken, is fish. Ikan asam pedas, sweet and sour fillet fish, sup ikan, ikan goreng, ikan bakar, ikan ikan ikan ikaaannn (echo slowly fading away)
See, somehow Italian dish keeps coming back to me :-" Pizza! enuff said
You could say I'm not a racist person, hence the multi-ethnic cuisine hahaha...imagine tengah hujan lebat, angin pon agak kuat, tgh duduk dengan Tom Yam di atas meja, sgt hangat, bau menggoda hmmm
Sushi anyone?
Dinner mcm nda complete klu teda dessert kan? Pancake ni paling sedap aku penah rasa, sooo soft and fluffy. The Perfect Pancake.
Why have one dessert, when u can have two :-" if I want to marry a girl, it's because she can make a kick ass Cheese Cake (take note ladies hahahaha...alamak terlebey suda)
Aku nda suka air manis2 tp utk Slushie I'll make an exception...aku suka minum cepat2 pastu brain freeze... woooooo that was awesome dude (baca dengan nada surfer)
I like cake, but I LOVE Birthday Cake...nda pasti kenapa tapi there's just something special about it. Maybe it's the part where you get to sing happy birthday and everyone else (if it's in a restaurant) look at you with envy (damn that cake looks delicious) haha. Pastu ada la tiba2 budak kecil yg cute datang mintak cake padahal mak bapak dia suruh cesss..and the second best part, cream cake tu sgt tebal boleh calit2 kat muka org muahahaha
Italian Gelato
Me: Ma, nenek aku orang itali ka?
Mama: Bukan nak.
Me: Abis tu knapa aku suka Italian food
Mama: Sebab ko nda suka Chinese food
Me: -_-"
(hahaha...ok not funny :-| )
Aku nda paham iklan di tv mesti sepasang kekasih share one ice cream...clearly that ice cream not worth fighting for, cause if it's really good, then nda kesah la girlfriend ka, I would say, sorry babe this ice cream is mine, you don't want to get fat don't you?..then I'll be walking home with a read palm print on my face hahaha
Peace, out!